Although starting College is fun and exciting, it can also be daunting if you are not prepared, but do not worry! Hadlow College has you covered and some top tips to make sure you are ready to start with us in September.

  1. Read up about your course, just a bit of background reading will ensure you will not have any surprises come September and will give you a head start at college. It is good to read around the subject beforehand. Also, if you have not applied yet make sure you do as soon as you can, we’ll be enrolling right the way through to September but there is always the chance the course will fill and you could miss out on that place, which we would not want to happen! Students do tend to apply early in the year.
  1. Work out how you will be getting to college. Whether it is by foot, car, bus, bike, or train, make sure you know how to get to campus and what times services will be running. Each of our campuses have great public travel links nearby so be sure to investigate those. For more information about travel to our campuses, click here. Additionally, if you are planning to stay on site at our Hadlow Campus accommodation, make sure you have all the information you need by clicking here.
  1. Think about life when you get to college. We have many clubs, facilities, and other enrichment opportunities at North Kent College, so take your time to think about any you would be interested in participating in come September.
  1. Follow us on social media! Keep up to date with what is going on at the College and any events we have on the way by following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and our channel on LinkedIn!
  1. Enjoy your summer break!! We all know the gap between year 11 and college is a long one so enjoy it. Obviously make sure you are preparing to start your studies at the end of the holidays but meanwhile have fun, stay safe and have a great time off whatever you will be doing.

We hope these tips will help you plan and prepare you to join us at Hadlow College, we look forward to seeing you in September!