The coronavirus lockdown has affected us all in different ways. Some of us may be enjoying the extra time at home with loved ones, while others may be finding the restrictions and isolation from friends difficult to cope with.

Whatever your situation, and even if you feel unaffected at the moment, it’s so important to look after your mental health and that of those around you. In this self-care blog series we look at simple things you can do to help you cope with the effects of uncertainty, change and isolation, including:

  • The Benefits of a Good Routine
  • Exercising and Healthy Eating
  • Relieving Stress and Anxiety
  • Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Click on the above list to view each post in the series.

Disclaimer: While we hope this information provides you with useful tips and information to support you through these unprecedented times, this should never replace the advice of a medical professional. If you feel particularly vulnerable we’d advise you discuss this with a relevant specialist.

If you’re a Hadlow student and would like to discuss anything confidentially, please contact the Counselling and Advice Service:

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