From the 19th of July to the 23rd of July, 2021 Farm Safety Week focuses on serious accidents and injuries across the Agriculture industry and highlights what can be done to address the problem.

This week is an important reminder of the dangers of working in farming and how educating yourself on the correct safety measures can save lives.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the first proclamation for farm safety in 1944, making the initial steps in combatting the high injury rate in agriculture, however there is still plenty of work to be done in improving farm safety.

Farming is one of the most hazardous industries in the UK, accounting for 20% of all worker fatalities. Awareness and engagement of farm safety is critical as many of the accidents that happen in UK farms are completely avoidable when given the right education.

This is where Yellow Wellies comes into action. Yellow wellies, also known as the Farm Safety Foundation, are a small independent charity that help young farmers challenge their behaviors and attitudes to farm safety, with the aim being to have zero avoidable deaths on UK farms. Since 2015, they have successfully delivered farm safety training to thousands of young farmers across 41 land-based colleges, offering support to the physical and mental well-being of the UK’s farmers. Through national campaigns like Farm Safety Week and Mind Your Head, the foundation tackles the stigma around risk-taking and poor mental health.

Thanks to the work of Yellow Wellies, the next generation will be more resilient and equipped with the knowledge to work in a safe and positive environment. Everyone should do their part to help manage risk in the workplace and this week is a great opportunity to learn more about farm safety and the work that Yellow Wellies do.