The Turtle Tally project was initiated and developed at the end of 2018 and is based at the National Centre for Reptile Welfare located at Hadlow College. The Turtle Tally citizen science project collects data on the distribution of released pet terrapins in the UK.

The aim was to research the topic of released pet terrapins in the UK as there was little available. The idea was to provide a survey that could be accessed by the general public to upload photos and information on terrapins seen whilst out and about similar to other wildlife citizen science projects.

The Turtle Tally project work closely with other organisations (National Centre for Reptile Welfare and British Herpetological Society) to understand and further develop the research and data collected so far about the disrupt of terrapins located at local lakes and waterbodies.

The Turtle Tally team continue to look at the mapping of these animals to find out more information about their habits. In the first year of the Turtle Tally there was a total of 14 sightings, the second year increased to 35 sightings and so far for 2021 there have already been a total of 57 sightings.

Suzanne Simpson, Lecturer in Animal Management at Hadlow College and Founder of the Turtle Tally UK project commented “I am working on welfare assessments as part of my research degree, I am looking at the body condition of the terrapins. When we have animals come to the centre, I measure, weigh and take photos of the terrapins in order to gage the body condition. Also, we have had released terrapins brought to us and I am able to collect additional data to hopefully help with future comparisons- to look more into the welfare of released pet turtles which will give us a better idea and understanding of what the team can do management wise to help these creatures”.

The National Centre for Reptile Welfare was introduced in August 2018 to facilitate a place in the UK that offered rehoming for reptiles. The centre has proven to be essential nationally to have somewhere that takes in animals and help them find a new home. The facility is a wonderful place for education and for our FE and HE students, as they get to learn about Herpetofauna and gain a specialism in reptiles- understanding their needs and the correct way to care for them.

Turtle Tally UK plan to continue with their research and expand upon their data by taking part in upcoming projects with other organisations. The founder of the centre discovered that there was not a facility for Herpetofauna in the UK, in order to offer an opportunity to rehome. This is a unique opportunity that you will not find in the UK or at any other College- delivering a unique provision, helping rehome animals and is dedicated to continuing their work to help and support the Herpetofauna community.


Click the website links below to find out more or to support these wonderful organisations.

Turtle Tally website-

National Centre for Reptile Welfare website-