Update 11.10 am Tuesday 25th March. Hadlow College will re-open Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.

16-18 Bursary Fund

16-18 Bursary Fund

North Kent College (Hadlow) operates a range of Bursary schemes to assist students from low-income households with a contribution to the costs of attending college. These schemes are subject to Government funding levels, and are awarded on a first come, first serve basis, and can be withdrawn at any time.

You can view the full details (including criteria) of the 2025/26 bursary fund policies here.

Financial support is available to students who:

Bursary awards are tailored to the individual student and the award allocated will depend upon your course of study, where you live and how many days you are timetabled to attend college.

  • The Bursary is only a contribution towards course related costs and will not necessarily cover the full amount. These costs could include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Essential UK based trips, essential books, uniform or equipment required for your course
  • Travel (depending on where you live and how many timetabled days you attend college).
  • Childcare costs (only applies to students aged 20 or above). Students under the age of 20 should apply to the national Care to Learn Scheme for assistance with childcare

  • When and how do I apply?

    Please apply AFTER the Easter holiday, you can apply online here. Alternatively you can pick up one of our financial support leaflets from reception and use the QR code shown. Funds are limited and applications are assessed in order of receipt. Please note that applying for financial support does not guarantee that funding will be allocated.

    Please apply by 1st June for continuing Hadlow students and 1st August for new students. Late applications will still be assessed but any fees due at enrolment will need to be paid by the student/parent/guardian. If a bursary award is made after enrolment, then a refund may be made towards the fees paid which are covered by the bursary.

    The Student Bursary team can be contacted via emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • What information do you need?

    You will need to complete this application form. Incomplete applications will not be processed and the College is unable to backdate this support where there has been a delay due to incomplete information. If applications are received without the required evidence, the Student Bursary Team will contact the applicant by telephone, email and/or letter. If a response is not received within two weeks, we will try a further two times. If no response is received after three attempts the Bursary team will decline/close the application.

  • How do I know if I am eligible?

    Applicants need to meet the criteria stated in the bursary policy and provide the evidence requested during the process so that the bursary team can assess the application. For completed applications received by 1st August, we aim to assess these within 10 working days and will inform applicants if the assessment will take longer. Applications received after 1st August may take up to 30 working days to assess. The outcome of the assessment will be communicated via the student's personal email held on college records before enrolment. After enrolment any future correspondence regarding the bursary will be sent to either the student’s personal email and/or parents’ / guardians’ personal email. A copy of correspondence sent can also be found on the student bursary portal (using this link apply online here) along with the application for financial support.

  • When will I receive funding?

    Where students have applied for funding for course equipment or trips, this funding will be made ‘in kind’ where possible or paid direct to the curriculum. If funding is paid to the student by BACS, this will not be paid until the end of November.

    If travel is agreed as part of the award, then this is paid in arrears at the end of each month, commencing at the end of September or the month after the application has been awarded (for late applications).

    All travel payments are subject to the student’s attendance being 90% or over in all subjects. Attendance below 90% will incur a reduction to the travel for the month the student has not travelled in.

  • Are there any ongoing requirements?

    All discretionary awards made by the College are subject to eligibility and attendance levels. Awards will be reduced if attendance falls below 90%, and are checked on a regular basis.


Once you have applied for a bursary, if you receive notification that an award cannot be made and wish to appeal this decision, an appeal must be made in writing to the Student Bursary Coordinator within 2 weeks. We will review your application and make a decision. If you are unhappy with the outcome of your appeal, you should follow the college’s complaints procedure here.

If you require any further help, please contact our Student Bursary Team:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: 01322 629400 and ask to speak to a member of Student Bursary team at the campus you will be attending (Dartford, Gravesend, Greenwich, Hadlow or Tonbridge). 

Help with Travel Expenses

Students who live 1.5 or more miles away from the College may be eligible for funding to contribute to travel costs while they are at college.

Depending on where you live and how you are travelling to college, you may receive a monthly travel allowance.

A travel payment may be awarded to students depending on where they live and the number of timetabled days. Funding is at the discretion of the College and will take into account the discounts available to students and if the student already has support in place from the local authority. It will only be a contribution to assist with travel and may mean the student is awarded funding for monthly ticket options for example. The contribution will not exceed the cheapest option for travel to the college. Awards for travel will be paid directly into the student’s bank account via a BACS payment, in monthly instalments in arrears.

All travel payments are subject to the student’s attendance being 90% or over in all subjects. Attendance below 90% will incur a reduction to the travel for the month the student has not travelled in.

Under no circumstances will the College pay funds in advance or purchase travel tickets for students. 

All travel payments are subject to the student’s attendance being 90% or over in all subjects. Attendance below 90% will incur a reduction to the travel for the month the student has not travelled in.

Please note that Residential students are not entitled to Travel payments.

Getting to College

If you need some guidance on how to get to one of our campuses, click here.

  • Travel discounts available?

    Kent County Council 16+ Travel Saver

    Designed for students who are a resident in Kent, aged 16-19 years old and in education, this will save approximately 50% of what you may pay if you bought an annual season ticket from a bus operator. It is valid throughout the year, including evenings, weekends, and holidays.

    Travel Options

    Applications and payments must be made directly to Kent County Council online for KCC 16+ Travel Saver card, click here.

    Where is the Travel Saver Card sent to?

    All Travel Saver cards are sent by KCC to the College Student Bursary department who will contact the student on receipt and can be collected during the advertised opening times. Where a Travel Saver card is not received by the start of term, the student must make arrangements to fund their travel until the pass is received.

    Oyster Card

    Students travelling from a London Borough will be required to use their free 16+ or 18+ Oyster photo card within the Oyster catchment area (taking advantage of the free or reduced travel). Students making the onward journey from outside of the Oyster card catchment area may be awarded a travel payment for the remainder of their journey.


    If you’re aged 16 or 17 you should apply for the 16-17 Saver railcard which can offer you 50% off train fares. Please see the following website for more information.

    What other discounts are available?

    • If you live in East Sussex, information on support available can be found on the East Sussex County Council site.
    • Arriva – Weekly/Termly/Academic tickets, please refer to their website.

Vulnerable Student Bursary

Vulnerable students aged 16-18 may be eligible to receive a package of support up to the value of £1,200 per academic year that they are studying at college.  The amount allocated will depend on the course you are undertaking and where you live. Please view the bursary policy for full details.

The following groups of students may be eligible for this bursary:

  • Young people in local authority care
  • Care leavers
  • Receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because you are financially supporting yourself or, financially supporting yourself and someone who is dependent on you and living with you, such as a child or partner
  • Receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in your own right as well, as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in your own right

The £1,200 support package is set to meet the needs of the individual student and may assist with paying for UK based essential trips, travel to college, uniform or equipment costs and the cost of essential books (these costs will depend on which course you are taking). This also includes a weekly

allowance towards meals which is paid on to your student ID card, your ID card can then be used at your campus café or refectory.

Childcare Support

The cost of childcare does not need to be a barrier to your learning. Through Government-run schemes, support is available.

Students aged under 19 or under at the start of their course can apply for childcare support from the Government’s Care to Learn scheme via the college For further information and how to apply please contact the Student Bursary team.

Applications should be submitted with essential documentary evidence:

  • A completed Financial Support Application form with all required documentary evidence of household income
  • Birth Certificate or Passport or Adoption papers for relevant children
  • Completed Agreement signed by childcare provider and student

Free College Meals (for 16-18 and EHCP Students)

The eligibility criteria for Free College Meals are set by the Government and are different to the college criteria for the Bursary funds. To be eligible for the Free College Meals, students must be 16-18 or 19+ with an EHCP. The student or their parents/guardians must be in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits below:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit Only (provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credits) and have an annual gross income of not more than £16,190 as assessed by HMRC
  • Universal Credits with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 p.a.
  • Working Tax Credit run on - paid for four weeks after you stopped qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

If parents/guardians are in receipt of Working Tax Credits, students will NOT be eligible for Free College Meals.

Students who qualify for free meals will receive a meal allowance of £2.53 per timetabled day (in line with the Government policy) which is credited weekly to their student ID card (cashless catering account) for use in the College cafeteria.

Students may use the money to purchase food or drink they wish in the cafeteria or the College shop but are encouraged to use this money towards a healthy meal. The College however tops these funds up so that a total allocation per timetabled day is £TBC.

Even if you do not meet the eligibility criteria for the Free College Meals, you may still be eligible for support for travel and / or course related costs.

How to apply for a 16-18 Bursary/Free College Meals

To apply for a 16-18 Bursary or Vulnerable Student Bursary (which may include free college meals), please complete the online Student Bursary application form by following the link here.

For the full details of the 16-18 bursary policy, click here.