(Land Based Courses Only)

North Kent College (Hadlow) operates three 19+ Bursaries which include assistance with Residential Support for low-income households with a contribution to the costs of residing at Hadlow campus. If you are aged 19 or above on 31st August and enrolling on a Further Education programme in the new academic year, we may be able to assist with a contribution towards your residential fees.

19+ Residential Financial Support

To request support with the cost of college accommodation you will need to apply by completing the online bursary application. Successful awards from any of the Bursary Funds may cover up to a maximum of 80% of the residential accommodation fees.

To qualify, your household income will need to be less than the current College threshold. All bursary funding is subject to meeting the set guidance from the Government and the Colleges Terms and Conditions, as well as the accommodation contract. A completed bursary application does not guarantee an award. Funding is limited and applications are awarded on a first come first served basis and meeting the eligibility criteria.

Household income includes who you live with, even if you're 19+ and are still living with parents/guardians.

Full details of the eligibility criteria are stated on the bursary application form. Please read this carefully before making an application.


{qaccordion|When and how do I apply?} 

Applications for a residential bursary should be made online by clicking here. Please note that applying for financial support does not guarantee that funding will be allocated.


{qaccordion|What information do you need?}

You will need to complete this application form. Incomplete applications will not be processed and the College is unable to backdate this support where there has been a delay due to incomplete information. If applications are received without the required evidence, the Student Bursary team will contact the applicant by either, telephone, email and/or letter. The student bursary team will try and make contact three times and if no response is received, the application will be declined/closed.

If a student is living with parents/guardians/partner we will require all evidence of the household income, irrelevant of the age of the student.


{qaccordion|How will I know if I have been successful?}

All applications will be assessed within two weeks of receipt of a fully completed application and the outcome of the assessment will be communicated to the student via email.

Although there are limits to the awards, appeals will be considered under exceptional circumstances.

An award for the Residential Financial Support DOES NOT Guarantee you will be entitled to accommodation, you will need to complete an Accommodation application form, and meet the accommodation criteria.


{qaccordion|Are there any ongoing requirements?}

All discretionary awards made by the College are subject to eligibility and attendance levels. Awards will be reduced if attendance falls below 90%. All attendance is checked on a monthly basis and will be reduced in-line with the students % attendance for the month. Continuous low attendance will result in the bursary being withdrawn altogether.