Hadlow College  will be temporarily closed on Monday 24th March 2025 to staff and students due to water supply issues being experienced within the Hadlow area.

  • Students aged 16-18

    If you are aged 16-18 (as of 31st August), taking a full-time Government funded course you will have no course tuition or registration fees to pay. Depending on the course you are studying, there may be material fees, which you will have to pay at enrolment. Other course costs may include books, uniform or kit and equipment. Details of these costs can be obtained from the Curriculum Administrator for your course.

    Students with a household income (for tax year) below the college criteria including housing and council tax benefit can apply for a bursary for a contribution towards essential course costs and the costs of travel to and from college. For further information click here.

  • Students aged 19-23

    If you are aged 19-23 as of 31st August you will have to pay full tuition fees unless you fall into one of the categories listed below, in which case, the course tuition and registration fee may be waived. Depending on the course you are taking there may be a materials fee for which you will have to pay at enrolment. Other course costs may include books, uniform or kit and equipment. Details of these costs can be obtained from the Curriculum Administrator for your course.

    Students who are Government funded and those funding their tuition fees via an Advanced Learner Loan who have a household income (for the tax year) below the college criteria including housing and council tax benefits, can apply for a bursary to assist with these essential course costs and with the costs of travel to and from college. For further information click here.

  • Age 19-23 fee waivers

    Entry/Level 1 courses

    If you are aged 19-23 and have not already achieved a full level 2 qualification* you may qualify for free tuition on an entry/ Level 1 course if you wish to progress onto Level 2 and need a step up from basic skills in order to progress.

    Level 2 courses

    If you are aged 19-23 and have not already achieved a full Level 2 qualification*, you may qualify for free tuition on a full Level 2 course. (Please note: not all our Level 2 courses are a full Level 2 so please check with the college Admissions Team).

    *A full Level 2 qualification is equivalent to:

    • 5 GCSEs at 9 – 4 (A*-C grades)
    • 5 or more GCSEs at grade 4
    • 1 Advanced Level
    • 2 or 3 AS Levels
    • GNVQ at Intermediate Level
    • NVQ at Level 2
    • Any other qualification at a higher Level than those listed above


    Level 3 courses

    If you are aged 19-23 and have not already achieved a full Level 3 qualification*, you may qualify for free tuition on a full Level 3 course. (Please note: not all our Level 3 courses are a full Level 3 so please check with the college Admissions Team).

    *A full Level 3 qualification is equivalent to:

    • 2 A Levels
    • 4 or more AS Levels
    • AVCE Double Award
    • GNVQ at Advanced Level
    • NVQ at Level 3
    • QAA Access to Higher Education
    • Any other qualification at a higher Level than those listed above

    If you have already achieved a Level 3 qualification you will have to pay for your tuition fees or take out an Advanced Learner Loan to fund your tuition. For further information on the Advanced Learner Loan, please click here.

  • Students aged 24+

    If you are aged 24 or over as of 31st August, you will have to pay the full tuition fees unless you qualify for the unemployment waiver explained below, in which case the course tuition and registration fee will be waived. Depending on the course, there may be a materials fee, which you will have to pay at enrolment. Other course costs may include books, uniform or kit and equipment. Details of these costs can be obtained from the Curriculum Administrator for your course.

  • Age 24+ fee waiver

    Unemployed and in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance or Employment Support Allowance (ESA) in the Income Support.

    • If you have been mandated to attend ‘Skills’ training by the Job Centre you may be funded for a skills training course up to and including Level 2 if the course will help you move into work. If you have not been ‘mandated’ to attend training, you may still be eligible for funding if your intention is to seek employment on completion of the course. (You will be required to sign a declaration to this effect).
    • Please note that if you start a full-time course, your benefits may be affected if you are considered ‘no longer available for work’. You are advised to check out your financial situation prior to enrolling on the course.
    • If you wish to take a Level 3 course (including ‘Access to Higher Education’ courses) you will have to pay for your tuition fees or take out an Advanced Learner Loan to fund your tuition. For further information on the Advanced Learner Loan, please click here.