Update 11.10 am Tuesday 25th March. Hadlow College will re-open Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.

My advice to anyone thinking of studying at Hadlow College is to go for it! It played a huge part in where I am today and I will be forever thankful.

Mitch Taylor-Wilson - Self-employed gardener/horticulturist, Town and Country Garden Services

I chose to study at Hadlow College because it has a great reputation, particularly in horticulture.

My favourite aspect of the courses was definitely the practical side, working outside and in the greenhouse. One of my great memories – and proudest moments - was when I received the award for Most Improved Student in my first year. I always enjoyed the sessions on plant identification, getting 100% every time.

When I completed my course at Hadlow, I was set go and work at Bushy Park, one of the royal parks in Surrey, but unfortunately that fell through at the last minute, so I went straight to work for my dad’s company, which was more hard landscaping such as driveways and patios.

I had been working for my dad for a couple of years and wanted to move on. One of my dad’s customers happened to ask if I knew of a gardener and I told them that I was a fully-qualified horticulturist and that I would do the gardening work for them that weekend. They were really happy with the work that I did and they asked if I could come every fortnight for a morning. From that point on, I slowly built up my own clientele.

I’m now self-employed, have my own business and couldn’t be happier and proud of myself for where I am today.

My advice to anyone thinking of studying at Hadlow College is to go for it! It played a huge part in where I am today and I will be forever thankful.