Update 11.10 am Tuesday 25th March. Hadlow College will re-open Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.

The decision that your son or daughter will shortly make, concerning where they want to study after their GCSEs, is a significant one. As their parents you want them to be happy, secure and studying something that will give them the best opportunities for a brilliant career.

This is exactly what we want too.

Our key means of measuring, or being measured – success, retention and achievement rates - all exceed the national benchmark. By choosing Hadlow College, your child will be benefiting from exceptional facilities, excellent teaching staff and a full and exciting social life.

However, our responsibility does not end here.

We recognise that, in addition to the academic standards you expect, you also want your child to develop into a well-rounded adult who is confident in their own abilities. Through our comprehensive enrichment programme, all of our students gain experience of different cultures to help them broaden their horizons and develop new skills. In the past these activities have included working with the local community on projects, attending workshops and raising money for charity. All of the activities are aimed at helping our students develop their personal and social skills.

We also offer support to students across a range of topics – from careers advice through to financial guidance and help with transport. Our friendly staff are always on hand to offer free and confidential assistance to ensure that your son or daughter is given the best opportunities to succeed.
We want the transition from school to college to be as smooth and successful as possible and we welcome your participation in this. This section contains some information which we hope you will find useful throughout the process.

  • How does Hadlow College support students with additional learning needs?

    Students with additional learning needs are supported in a number of different ways. These include individual learning sessions, specialised computer packages, in-class support, screening for dyslexia and Irlen Syndrome, providing written materials in different formats and accessing special exam requirements. Our aim is to make sure, as far as we are able, that your child's learning needs do not prevent them accessing the course of their choice.

  • How does the College know that a learning need exists?

    The College application form contains a section where we request that prospective students tell us about any additional learning needs they may have. At the subsequent interview we will invite the prospective student to talk with a member of the Additional Learning Support team so we can put in place the best arrangements to meet your child's needs.

  • What needs do you support?

    Generally, the needs we support are:

    • English and maths
    • Specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADD and ADHD
    • Speech, language and communication
    • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
    • Visual and hearing impairment
    • Irlen Syndrome

    In addition, we have a dedicated ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) lecturer and all students are able to access our drop-in sessions and study club.

  • What careers advice and guidance do we offer?

    Hadlow College has a team of qualified Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) advisers who can provide you with free and impartial careers advice to help you make decisions about your future. Click here to view our careers page.

  • What are the different course levels?

    Below is our Course Level Progression Chart.

    course level progression chart

  • What will my son/daughter need to buy for their course?

    Some courses have additional costs associated with them (for example trip funds, clothing and materials). Students may also need to purchase some specialist equipment to study certain courses. Full details of all these costs will be given to your child at their interview or can be obtained by enquiry to the College Information and Recruitment Services.

  • Can I continue to get child benefit?

    The parent or carer of any student under 18 can continue to receive child benefit whilst the student remains in full-time education

  • What financial support is available?

    We try and ensure that no student is unable to study due to financial constraints and have in place a number of schemes to support them. Help is available to students from low-income households towards travel, essential course-related expenses and childcare. Free college meals may also be obtained. Residential students may apply to the Residential Bursary Fund for help with accommodation fees.

  • What employment opportunities are there once my son/daughter has completed their course?

    The land-based sector offers many exciting careers. Our on-site Careers Hub provides a range of different services to help your son/daughter succeed in their chosen field including, CV and covering letter guidance, interview tips and techniques, interview practice, careers workshops and job searches. Some example roles available to students who finish our courses can be viewed in the dedicated careers section of our website.

  • When will my son/daughter get their timetable?

    Draft timetables are given out at enrolment, with further details provided at induction. The timetable is designed to give students as much flexibility as possible and allow them, through their working week, to access support and services within the College including the Learning Resource Centre, Additional Learning Support and Study Clubs.

  • What learning support is available for my child?

    The College has an excellent Additional Learning Support team who are here to assist with a student’s studies. They can provide support in many areas including: maths and English, speech, language and communication, specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD), visual impairment and hearing impairment. The support offered is based upon what is required and could include support with a specialist teacher on a one-to-one basis, or in-class support with a Learning Support Assistant. In addition, the College runs a drop-in centre and study club which are open to all students.

  • What feedback will I receive?

    Each academic year we hold two academic review evenings which give you, the parents and guardians, the opportunity to meet with tutors and discuss your son/daughter's progress. The event is organised within each curriculum area to allow you to visit the area your child is learning in, see the facilities and gain a better understanding of the course and types of activities that are undertaken. In addition to the above events, which usually take place in November and March, you will also receive two written progress reports child – one in December and one in March.

  • Can my son/daughter live on site?

    Yes. As a land-based college we have 160 rooms on site which students are able to live in on a half-board basis. This means their breakfast and one other meal (either lunch or dinner) are provided for them. Since our accommodation is often over-subscribed, priority is given to those students who live a considerable distance from college with a journey of over one hour each way, or to those who need to be on campus for early/late duties as an integral part of their course. Further details on accommodation are provided at interview.

  • What will my child study?

    Our courses are all full-time programmes of study that contain a combination of qualifications and other activities, including additional qualifications which employers have identified as ones that enhance employability.

    Within each course we have also included the development of Independent Skills, such as English, maths and (where appropriate) ICT to help our students acquire the essential skills that everyday life demands. The majority of the lessons are linked directly to a student's area of study and gives them potential to achieve greater success in their chosen subject.

    Integral to the majority of our courses is a work experience module. This provides students with the opportunity to experience the type of work that they hope to do and to learn about the expectations of future employers. Work experience will be undertaken in a real business environment relevant to the subject interest of the student. It could be gained through an industrial placement, working in one of the College’s commercial businesses, through voluntary work within the industry or by carrying out practical work for a suitable business.

  • How can my child access college information remotely?

    The first point of contact, for all students who need to access course activities and general teaching and learning information, is our Virtual Learning Environment - Moodle.

    You will log in to this using your college username and password. Should you have any difficulties with it, a live help facility is available and can be accessed through the icon in the bottom right-hand corner.