Hadlow College  will be temporarily closed on Monday 24th March 2025 to staff and students due to water supply issues being experienced within the Hadlow area.

Hadlow College has a team of qualified Careers Advisers, providing free and impartial careers advice for past, current and potential students to help you make decisions about your future and identifying those next steps. 

This is provided through group sessions, one-to-one guidance appointments, in person, online, telephone and via email.

Alongside free and confidential advice and guidance our offer includes:

  • Course information, advice and guidance
  • CVs and cover letters
  • Job searches & applications
  • Interview techniques
  • Labour market information
  • Employability skills
  • Apprenticeships Information & Advice
  • Higher Education applications
  • UCAS - personal statements and student finance advice

  • Information for Existing Students

    If you are a current student, you can speak with an adviser by visiting the Learning Technology Centre (Library) at Hadlow.

    You can also book an appointment using the Careers Team Booking Form on the MyDay Careers & Employability page. 

    Existing students can also access the suite of online careers resources via MyDay and Moodle.

  • Information for Parents and Carers

    If you are a parent or carer of a young person exploring options whether a current or potential students at the College you can book an appointment with an advisor using the contact details above. 

    We are always happy to receive feedback on our Careers Advice Service. You can feedback by filling out the careers feedback form.

  • Information for Employers

    We are always keen to work with local employers and organisations.Our Industry Placements Team can work with you to find suitable students to undertake work experience. The Careers team are keen to hear from any employers who: 

    • Would like to take part in our Careers Fairs 
    • Would be able to support us with mock interviews for our students
    • Would be willing to be a guest speaker
    • Are looking to fill full or part-time vacancies 

    If you are interested in working with us, please email cThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    You can provide feedback about our Careers Programme by using our feedback form.

Careers Resources

Our service is supported with the latest careers software and resources. Current students can access a variety of resources, including ECLIP’s and UniFrog.

Applicants or those interested in gaining information for their next steps can also access the National Careers Service website.

Careers Contacts

The Careers Leader for the College is Steven Humphries -This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Telephone: 01322 629400

The Careers Team are available throughout the year and attend all open events and Summer enrolment. 

To contact the Hadlow Careers team- please email: cThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our Hadlow Careers Team via main reception on 01322 629400.

Useful Links

  pdf College Careers Programme (182 KB)

pdf College Careers Schedule (164 KB)

  document Provider Access Statement (41 KB)

