Hadlow College has a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults. We work within Government legislation, Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together to Safeguard Children, and all other relevant legislation.
David Martin (Governor for Safeguarding) and Rebecca Skinner (Head of Welfare & Safeguarding), both have senior responsibility for safeguarding, leading on a culture of safety for learners and staff across the College.
Our Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy is reviewed and updated annually in line with developments in legislation.
If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact reception and ask to speak to the safeguarding team 01732 850 551 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
All staff have responsibility for safeguarding and follow North Kent College’s procedure to report disclosures of abuse or safeguarding concerns to the safeguarding team.
All staff complete regular online safeguarding training and receive updates to legislation and practice.
This Safeguarding Policy is the college policy approved by the Corporate Board. It includes a general policy statement and appendices related to definitions of abuse; the designated senior staff; dealing with disclosure and allegations.
The Safeguarding Guidelines explains the definitions and gives further advice and guidance to staff.
Safeguarding: Procedure Flowchart
It is the duty of all staff to report any concerns to a designated person. No promises should be made to maintain confidentiality, but the student should be informed of the action taken.
Update 18:45 - Sunday 23rd March 2025
HADLOW COLLEGE – Temporary Site Closure Announcement
Our Hadlow College campus will be temporarily closed on Monday 24th March 2025 to staff and students due to water supply issues being experienced within the Hadlow area.
Please note ALL other North Kent College sites remain unaffected and OPEN.
Please check back on the Hadlow College website and Hadlow College social media for updates regarding re-opening tomorrow and further information.
Thank you for your attention.