Hadlow College  will be temporarily closed on Monday 24th March 2025 to staff and students due to water supply issues being experienced within the Hadlow area.

English and Maths at GCSE Grades 9-4 are essential qualifications for progression within further education, to higher education and employment.

Employers frequently stress the importance of GCSE/functional skills and they are recognised as being vital to the world of work and the college incorporates these skills within your studies.

The college will ensure that every student who enters with anything less than a Grade 4 at GCSE, will continue to develop and improve their GCSE English and Maths as part of their study programme.

All students starting a new study programme of 150 hours or more, aged 16 to 18, or aged 19 to 25 if they have an Education and Healthcare Plan, who do not hold a GCSE grade 9-4 or an accredited, equivalent qualification in Maths and/or in English, are required, by the government, to be studying these subjects as part of their study programme in each academic year.

Please note that we do not offer stand alone English and Maths qualifications; we only provide English and Maths courses for learners enrolled on a full study programme.

What does this mean at Hadlow College? 

English – if you achieve in your GCSE at school:

Grade 4 or above in English (language or literature) you will not have to continue studying English at college
Grade 3 or a Level 1 Functional Skills pass you will study English GCSE at college
Grade 2 or below you will study Entry Level or Level 1 Functional Skills at college 

Maths - if you achieve in your GCSE at school: 

Grade 4 or above you will not have to continue studying Maths at college
Grade 3 or Level 1 Maths Functional Skills you will study Maths GCSE at college
Grade 2 or below you will study Entry Level or Level 1 Functional Skills at college 

(Please note that these are subject to change)

Functional Skills: 

Entry Level and Level 1 Functional Skills are used as a stepping stone to achieving the Grade 4 at GCSE. Please note that we do not offer Level 2 Functional Skills.

If you have gained a Functional Skills Level 2, but also have a Grade 3 at GCSE, please note that you will still be required, under government funding rules, to continue to study GCSE at college.

Both GCSE and Functional Skills as outlined above, are a compulsory part of your programme of study and you will be required to attend 100 hours for each subject in the academic year (approximately 3 hours per week). If you are required to continue to study maths and English due to your prior attainment, then attendance at English and maths is a compulsory part of your study programme.    

English and Maths Exam Dates 2024-2025

 Functional Skills Exam Dates

Date (Week Commencing) Exam
27.01.25 Maths 1
20.01.25 English - Reading 1
03.02.25 English - Writing 1
24.03.25 Maths 2
17.03.25 English - Reading 2
31.03.25 English - Writing 2

Functional Skills Final Sittings

20.05.25 - 22.05.25 | English Reading / Writing and Maths Mop Ups

GCSE May/June Timetable


Start Time


Thur 15h May 2025


Maths Paper 1 – Non Calculator

Friday 23rd May 2025


English Paper 1 – Non Fiction Texts

Wed 4th June 2025


Maths Paper 2 – Calculator

Friday 6th June 2025


English Paper 2 – Contemporary Texts

Wed 11th June 2025


Maths Paper 3 - Calculator

If you have any further questions or queries please contact

Michaela Sesay
Head of Maths (English and Maths)
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