Below are the steps that we will take to enrol you when you come in to enrol during the main enrolment period which is the end of August/beginning of September:

  1. Meet your tutor and other students. We will ensure that post GCSEs, you will be entered into the correct level given your results. You can ask any questions and be given your lesson timetable.
  2. Complete enrolment forms and get information on term dates.
  3. Your enrolment information will be added to our student database.
  4. Pay your fees. If there are fees attached to your course you will need to pay these. If you require financial assistance with your payments, you will need to have completed a Student Financial Support form prior to enrolment. Find out more about eligibility here.
  5. You'll have your photo taken for your new College ID card once you've had your form stamped. Your ID card will allow you access to the campus, learning technology facilities and printing facilities. It is also a form of identification whilst you are with us.
  6. You will provide us with information regarding any health issues that may impact on your learning and health plus any help and concessions you had for exams at school.
  7. You'll then officially be a student at the College! Next step is the first day of term, congratulations and welcome you are officially now a Hadlow College student!

What Do I Need To Bring To Enrolment?

In order to complete your enrolment, you will need to have the following with you:

  • Latest College ID card OR Identification such as Passport, Driving Licence or Birth Certificate
  • National Insurance Number
  • Completed Learner Support Fund/Bursary application form if applicable with supporting income evidence
  • Relevant Certificates of qualifications already attained

Please note if you do not bring your payment, ID and (if applicable) evidence of benefits, you will not be able to complete your enrolment and you may lose your place.

Induction Week

Induction Week will be the first week you’re officially at college and aims to help you to settle in before you get stuck into your course. Induction Week includes:

  • Receiving your official timetable (if not already received at enrolment) Getting your Student Handbook (which covers everything you need to know about Hadlow College)
  • Tour of the College
  • Introduction to the Learning Technology Centre and careers team
  • Introduction to the Students’ Union and class reps
  • Introduction to Moodle and online resources

Welcome to Hadlow College!