Update 11.10 am Tuesday 25th March. Hadlow College will re-open Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.

Garrads in the summer

Did you know today (Wednesday 19 March) is National Poultry Day?

First celebrated in 1951, the event had humble beginnings when the residents of Versailles (in USA, not France!) decided to start a one-day festival centred around poultry.

The event has grown in popularity to the extent that now more than 52,000 people descend on the town each year to indulge in food, fun and festivities.

National Poultry Day celebrates all types of poultry, including chickens, turkeys and ducks, as well as acknowledging the poultry farming industry and the role it plays in feeding populations and providing jobs.

If you are interested in animals or farming we have a variety of courses that may suit you here at Hadlow College.

Our Animal Management courses mix theory, such as learning about the structure and function of the animal body, along with practical work in a large custom-built animal management unit.

Students are involved in all aspects of husbandry and management from planning animal collections, and designing and maintaining enclosures, to day-to-day animal care within an animal collection set up as a commercial enterprise.

To find out more visit the Animal Management course page on the Hadlow College website.

Our Agriculture courses offer practical experience on the College farms as well as working on machinery and in our workshop facilities

Students are involved in all aspects of the farming year - including lambing, shearing, ploughing and harvest - and assist with the College’s beef herd, and benefit from our close links with local establishments such as FGS, Burdens Farms, Park Farm, JPF Farms and Bore PlaceFarm (Organic Dairy).

To find out more visit the Agriculture course page on the Hadlow College website.