Update 11.10 am Tuesday 25th March. Hadlow College will re-open Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.

BSc (Hons) Equine Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation

"Highlights in my career to date have been massaging for the GB driving team, and also a British Junior European Cup competitor."

Lauren Davis - Owner, L.C.D Equine Bodywork

I chose to attend Hadlow College as they were partnered with Greenwich University and it was a course I was really interested in.  Hadlow College was also local, so I could compete my horses and continue to work.

My favourite aspect of the course was the practical content, especially being in the therapy centre and using the equipment with the horses.  I remember my first time swimming a horse, it was amazing being in control of the horse whilst watching it swim and being so close.

I currently have my own equine sports massage business (L.C.D Equine Bodywork), which involves me assessing static and dynamic conformation and providing the horse and owner with knowledge to help improve their performance.  I am also an Equine Nursing Technician at Newnham Court Equine, this involves being in control of the clinic, making sure everything is ready for appointments, all horses are cared for and receive medication as well as on call duties.

The BSc (Hons) Equine Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation course gave me a widened aspect into rehabilitation and anatomy, therefore, important for both of my current jobs.  Highlights in my career to date have been massaging for the GB driving team, and also a British Junior European Cup competitor.

If you are seeking a similar role to me, experience and application is key, once you have spent time and gained experience in an area, you will gain so much confidence and be good at what you do.  Also listen and learn from others perspectives i.e vets, saddlers, riders etc.