Update 11.10 am Tuesday 25th March. Hadlow College will re-open Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.

Whilst at college there is a mixture of practical and theory lessons. Students will learn how to carry out work safely, relay information, calculate quantities, communicate with others and about building methods and construction technology used. They will learn how to carry out first fixing, second fixing, erect structural carcassing, carry out maintenance and how to set up and operate a circular saw. This course includes the opportunity to take part in an industry placement in a sector relevant to your qualification and study programme. The placement will take place 1 or 2 days per week on the days when you are not in college studying. Industry placements are designed to give you the skills to start work at the end of your studies, progress into an apprenticeship

Course options




Level 2


Full Time




1 Year





  • What qualification will I gain?

    NOCN Level 2 Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery

  • Entry Requirements

    Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry and Joinery or equivalent. Minimum GCSE grade 3 in Mathematics and English supported by two at grade 2, one preferably in Science, employment in construction training as a carpenter

  • What progression options will I have?

    Apprenticeship Direct employment

  • What costs are involved?

    Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ - £1650 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £130 This course may also attract additional costs, for example, kit, uniform, trips or books, that all students will be required to pay. Please contact the College for further details.

  • How will I be assessed?

    Portfolio of Practical & Theory units with 2 online exams