Our Equine Unit at Hadlow has extensive facilities including two indoor arenas, alarge outdoor arena and stabling for 64 horses. As well as a complete range of show jumps, there are also cross country fences suitable for students training at Level 3 and above. There is a horse walker, high speed treadmill and an extensive range of practical teaching resources.
As well as a complete range of show jumps, there are also cross country fences suitable for students training at Level 3and above. There is a horse walker, high speed treadmill and an extensive range of practical teaching resources.
There are horses ranging from school masters and ex-competition horses to young stock, ensuring you will progress and develop your skills. Courses cover (depending on level, see website for full details) principles of working with horses, biology and health, practical yard duties, diet and nutrition, horse tack equipment and rugs, schooling, show-jumping, stud management, injuries and rehabilitation and much more!
Students have exceptional opportunity to gain genuine hands on practical experience as well as ride and compete quality horses. They gain knowledge and develop their practical skills in horse husbandry, horse handling, grooming, application of tack and equipment, feeding and routine yard management. Students will also study horse behaviour and welfare, anatomy and learn how to work a horse correctly on the flat, and over fences, if the riding option is chosen. In addition to the development of vocational skills, students will develop transferable skills such as; team work, effective communication, presentation skills and problem solving. Students benefit from field trips to a variety of events and significant equine establishments. In the past these have included; The New Forest, Windsor Horse Show and The King’s Troop. Opportunity is also given to students to compete and help at College run using our horses.
Update 11.10 am - Tuesday 25th March 2025
HADLOW COLLEGE – Re-Opening of College Site
Our Hadlow College campus will re-open on Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.
Thank you for your attention.