This one-year course is an ideal starting point for those students with some practical experience of working with horses who wish to gain a basic understanding of horse care.

Through working in the College yard your understanding of horse care and welfare will be broadened and you will learn how to correctly handle and look after a variety of horses.

Course options




Level 1


Full Time




1 Year





  • What qualification will I gain?

    Level 1 Introductory Diploma in Land-Based Studies (Horse Care)

  • Entry Requirements

    Minimum of 2 GCSEs at D - E / 3 - 2 Grade or equivalent (Entry Level 3).

    You should also have a keen interest in the subject and demonstrate a commitment to the curriculum area.

    Students who wish to take the riding option will need at least 1 year's experience of riding a horse, and demonstrate that they can confidently ride independently in walk, trot and canter in a group. They need to demonstrate a sufficient level of balance and control of the horse, and pass a riding assessment at the College, prior to starting the course in September.

    If you don't have formal qualifications to meet these requirements, we will be able to assess your readiness during the admission process.

  • What progression options will I have?

    Level 2 Technical Diploma in Equine Management (Riding pathway only)

  • What costs are involved?

    Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ - £1650 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £135 This course may also attract additional costs, for example, kit, uniform or books, that all students will be required to pay. Please contact the College for further details.

  • How will I be assessed?

    Short multiple choice examinations, plus a short portfolio of evidence will be marked by an internal and external examiner.