Lady on tractor ploughing field

A Hadlow College lecturer secured a top three finish at a regional event recently, with a little help from her students!

Agricultural Engineering lecturer Christina Tyler came third in her category as the South Eastern Vintage Agricultural Club held their practice ploughing day and ploughing match earlier this month.

What makes it even more impressive is the fact that Christina entered the weekend having never ploughed before!

Ploughing matches see competitors pitted against each other to plough part of a field, with points awarded in a number of categories including straightness, neatness and firmness.

Christina took part using Hadlow College’s Ferguson TEE tractor and Ferguson plough that has recently been restored by our students.

Lady on tractor and ploughed field

Having had only the Saturday to practice and learn how to set the plough and tractor up and learn the rules of ploughing (and there are a surprising number of rules!), Christina then ploughed in the Novice class on the Sunday.

Christina came third out of 12 competitors, which is quite an achievement for a first-time ploughing competitor.

The tractor and plough performed almost faultlessly with only one minor breakage due to old age, which is testament to the hard work put in by the students.

Well done Christina and all who were involved!

Studying Agricultural Engineering at Hadlow College will see you work on all types of agricultural machinery, take part in restoration projects and learn everything from fabrication to diagnostics. You will also make use of our top-quality Agricultural workshop facilities and our machinery training yard.

To find out more visit the Agricultural Engineering subject page, or come along to our Open Morning on Saturday 9 November.