Update 11.10 am Tuesday 25th March. Hadlow College will re-open Wednesday 26th March 2025 to staff and students.

Camera man and presenter in greenhouse

The pioneering Thanet Earth Centre of Excellence @ Hadlow College was in the spotlight once again last night (Tuesday 18 February) when it was featured on ITV Meridian’s Evening News.

Reporter Tony Green visited the site to find out more about the Centre of Excellence, how the crop is grown, how students and technology give it a helping hand and more!

Hadlow College’s Head of Curriculum for Horticulture and Floristry, Alan Harvey, was interviewed, as was Technical Instructor, Caroline Parr and student Tom Hadaway.

You can view the clip on the ITV Meridian website. The piece on the Centre of Excellence starts at around the 15 minute 20 second mark and lasts three minutes.

Man in PPE with microphone

The Centre of Excellence is based at Hadlow College’s state-of-the-art glasshouse and sees horticultural students working directly with Thanet Earth, the UK’s largest glasshouse salad supplier, to develop their skills and grow tomatoes in a commercial crop environment.

It aims to inspire and train the next generation of UK commercial horticulturists by connecting students with leading businesses from the greenhouse sector, to bring a new generation of skilled workers to protect the future of UK-grown fresh produce.

For more details about the Thanet Earth Centre of Excellence @ Hadlow College visit the projects page of Hadlow College website.